Simplify class scheduling, student booking, payments and revenue reporting with deep insight


Homeyoga is a marketplace for people to book their yoga teachers to come to their most convenient location according to their schedule.

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Project Overview

Homeyoga is a marketplace for people to book their yoga teachers to come to their most convenient location according to their schedule.

For a private or a group class, Homeyoga connects people to create on-demand yoga classes. Focused on quality and flexibility, we are the easiest way for practitioners and teachers to optimise their schedules and fully integrate yoga into their life.

For practitioners of any level who are looking for the right teacher in their city, we connect you with a fitting yoga instructor for a lesson. Our teachers are flexible in time and location and will meet you wherever you feel most comfortable to practice. All instructors are personally selected by us and have a high level of education and experience.

For teachers with experience who wish to focus on their teaching rather than on organizing, we take care of the organisational tasks and connect you with students in your area. We offer you the possibility to optimise your time and make a difference in today’s busy world. We connect you with students near you for individual lessons at their home or in other private locations.

Homeyoga is here for you to find Home within yourself whether it is through a calm or more challenging yoga class, whether it is at home or at work, always according to your schedule.

Homeyoga Mobile App

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How We Worked

Using Agile sprints, the team set about incrementally designing, building and testing the different elements of the site. The budget for the project was fixed, but the scope of items to be built was flexible and the team could adjust and adapt to build the features that were most needed. Using this approach of constantly learning, rapid feedback and re-prioritization, we developed an efficient and expert solution that delivered all the key features that The HomeYoga and their users would really need.

  • - Technology Stack
    Meteor Logo
    Bitbucket Logo
    Cordova Logo
    Blaze Logo
    Cloudinary Logo
    Jira Logo
  • - Deliverable
    Web Logo
    IOS Logo
    Android Logo
  • - The Impact

    The result of this collaborative project is a impactful website and mobile apps where users can easy find and book the teachers from their area. Teacher can also set up their availability, Check booking of class and events as well. While Admin can review and publish teacher, Can see consulted view of bookings, teachers salary, send newsletters, Manage teachers availability area wise, so it is quick and simple to keep both teachers and client happy.

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